Category: Uncategorized

Monday Minute “The Steps In Between”

Good morning everyone! This weekend my wife and I were sitting out on our deck talking about a business idea, we were throwing ideas around and went from the main idea to the best possible outcome of the idea. We laughed pretty hard about how we both come up with these ideas and dream about […]

Monday Minute “Pr-ACT-ice Like A Champion”

Good morning! Last Saturday I was granted an awesome opportunity, the reigning back to back State Football champions, Lincoln Patriots were doing a team builder down in Inspiration Hills, Iowa, and I was invited to come spend the day with them and be the guest speaker at the end of the night. It was indeed […]

Monday Minute “Mental Awareness”

Hey everyone! I hope your weekend went well and you took advantage of the awesome weather! (at least here in SD). I got to thinking yesterday during a pretty tough workout with my buddy Austin about peoples mental toughness and capabilities. Everyone is at different levels when it comes to this and will determine someones […]

“Antelope Prep: Quick Aim, Quick Release”

Antelope Prep is the start of our first ever mini series, designed to give you tips to increase your odds of success not only in the field, but within your health and fitness life. Video 1/4 “Quick Aim, Quick Release”

Monday Minute “Lightning”

Good Morning! This summer has been filled with nasty storms across the state of South Dakota and much of the midwest, there has been some amazing lightning displays! Lightning has an unreal power! It can cover miles in a blink of an eye, give a spark that can start a fire that burns thousands of […]

Monday Minute “What Is It About Mountains?”

Good Morning! I hope everyone had a productive week! I was going through some past hunting/adventure photos this weekend and I noticed every time I traveled somewhere with a mountain range I had ten times the amount of photos! Also, when I look over my “Go To” list of destinations a large majority of those […]

Monday Minute “Fists High & Bloody”

Hey Everyone! Talk about a HOT weekend here in South Dakota! I hope you all got to spend some time in the great outdoors! i had the opportunity to grab lunch with a friend and fellow business owner this week. The 1 hour spent with him lead to several hours of deeper thinking and some […]

Monday Minute “Compete”

Happy Monday!! I hope you all had a GREAT Independence Day weekend! July is the heat of summer, it’s the heart of off season training for me. It’s rigorous and I love it! I truly have to compete with myself to get through my training sessions. That is what I want to talk about today, […]

Monday Minute “Discouraging Dreams”

Good morning! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend! As you know from many past Monday Minutes, I like to center my writings around goals and dreams. I know that is because my entire life there hasn’t been a day that I have woken up and not thought about my personal goals and dreams and […]

Monday Minute “Who Are You Accountable To?”

Good Morning! It’s officially summer! I hope everyone kicked it off and had a great weekend! Wednesday of last week, it was almost 10pm, and I had to get up at 5am to start training clients. The day was filled with obstacles to just take the day off, but despite those lingering thoughts, I was […]