Month: March 2017

BIG Montana Elk!–Run2Gun Moments #4

Our moments series gives you the chance to see so much of our video content that goes unseen on our hit TV series Run2GunTV  that airs on the Pursuit Channel, Midco Sports Network and CarbonTV.  On average around 80-85%of what gets film, never gets aired!! What a bummer! We decided to release it to you […]

Range Day with CTS Targets Part1

Happy Monday! Back in January we got the opportunity to try out some new products that coupled well with our long range rifle and custom reloads.  CTS target systems, a company out of Springfield, Minnesota that produces AR500 steel targets that are extremely innovative!  We didn’t realize just how cool all the products were until […]

Run2Gun Recipe’s Vol. 3-Elk Steak Fajitas

Hey everyone!!  My wife Amy is working her magic bringing you another GREAT venison recipe for you and your family! In our case Elk venison, but you can swap out for deer, beef or something else that fits your fancy! THE RECIPE!  Marinate elk steak for a minimum of 1 hr in – 1 TB […]