Month: October 2013

The Importance of Dreams-Run2Gun-Hunting. Athletics

Your dreams will be your driving force of commitment, sacrifice, and straight hard work!  The journey to make your dreams a reality are much like the flight of an arrow, it has its waves, and spins out of control, but if you stay committed to your dream, the flight will end in a bullseye.  Check […]

Agility Training with Sturm, Ruger & Co. -Run2gun-Hunting. Athletics

How important is agility training within your workout regimen? Well how important is it that you can quickly maneuver through down timber, around rocky slopes and over rapid creek beds to get in position to shoot your sought after trophy? Pretty important right?  If your workout program doesn’t include some sort of agility training, you […]

Endurance Training with Ruger-Run2Gun-Hunting. Athletics.

Most think of endurance training as a boring, spend hours on the treadmill task. Well maybe it’s time for you try something new. Next time you are in need of some good endurance training, turn to the weight room instead of the track. Here is a short video to get you started from our project […]