Run2Gun News

Monday Minute “Execute”

Happy Monday!! I want to get right into it this week, in the past I know I have preached a lot about goal setting and chasing your dreams! But have you actually taken steps forward to accomplishing those goals? If not it’s time to Execute! The fact of the matter is there will times in […]

Monday Minute “What We Think Makes Us Happy”

Good morning! I hope you all had a great weekend and have this week all planned out for how you are going to accomplish your goals, because the more we accomplish the happier we will be right? Well maybe part of the time, here are my thoughts: In my profession I am lucky enough to […]

Monday Minute “Inspire Yourself”

Happy Monday! There are many different views on inspiration, many people believe all inspiration is intrinsic, that you either have it within you or you don’t, while others believe you can look elsewhere to be inspired, or that other people or things can inspire us. I believe in both, here is why: I believe that […]

Monday Minute “Your Side Of The Storm”

Good morning! I was doing some traveling this weekend and got to drive through a small thunderstorm. The timing was interesting because it was right as the sun was rising and I was driving west. The light from the sun was reflecting beautiful colors of orange and gold onto the landscape and clouds. That mixed […]

Monday Minute “Be A Quitter”

Happy Monday! It’s the last day of August! September is my favorite month as it really kicks off the fall months, which means hunting! This week I have something I want you guys to do. I want you to be a quitter, that’s right, a quitter. I want you to quit giving up on yourself, […]

Antelope Prep: Part2

You will find yourself trying to stay hidden behind your decoy and at the same time keep your knee’s and hands out of the cactus! We strengthen our legs with these key moves!

Monday Minute “Right & Right Now”

Happy Monday! You can feel the fall season in the air this week here in South Dakota, which takes me to my busiest time of the year. Spreading my time between training one-on-one clients, online clients, traveling to film our TV show, being a good husband and father, and still remembering to pray everyday can […]

Monday Minute “The Steps In Between”

Good morning everyone! This weekend my wife and I were sitting out on our deck talking about a business idea, we were throwing ideas around and went from the main idea to the best possible outcome of the idea. We laughed pretty hard about how we both come up with these ideas and dream about […]

Monday Minute “Pr-ACT-ice Like A Champion”

Good morning! Last Saturday I was granted an awesome opportunity, the reigning back to back State Football champions, Lincoln Patriots were doing a team builder down in Inspiration Hills, Iowa, and I was invited to come spend the day with them and be the guest speaker at the end of the night. It was indeed […]

Monday Minute “Mental Awareness”

Hey everyone! I hope your weekend went well and you took advantage of the awesome weather! (at least here in SD). I got to thinking yesterday during a pretty tough workout with my buddy Austin about peoples mental toughness and capabilities. Everyone is at different levels when it comes to this and will determine someones […]