Category: Uncategorized

MONDAY MINUTE “Routine Or Rut?”

Good morning everyone! I hope you are all taking this Monday morning to get started on your week in a positive manner. Get started on your routines early in the week! Routines are great to keep us accountable was well as productive, but that doesn’t mean that same routine isn’t putting us or keeping us […]


Stretching, there is a time and place for specific stretching. Here is part 3 of our Dynamic Warm-Up series, featuring additional movements that will be simple for you to add to your pre-workout routine. This will help you properly warm up before exercise. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more fitness, hunting and inspirational videos!

10 Minute Row Challenge

I’m not much of a rower, as I would rather do running sprints, but my hunting/gym buddy Tom went and did 2702m in 10 min flat. Challenge excepted! Enjoy!

MONDAY MINUTE “What It Really Meant”

Good morning everyone! I am happy to be writing a new series of Monday Minutes after taking off a couple of weeks to refocus. I have been able to do some thinking over the past several weeks because of some peaceful travel. Last week my Grandfather passed away at the age of 91! He lived […]


Stretching, there is a time and place for specific stretching. Here is part 2 of our Dynamic Warm-Up series, featuring mini bands. This will help you properly warm up before exercise. Enjoy!! Please Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for All season of Run2GunTV, YouTube Exclusives & Educational/Inspirational videos!


Stretching, there is a time and place for specific stretching. Here is part1 of our Dynamic Warm-Up series to help you properly warm up before exercise. For more you can visit our YouTube Channel

Monday Minute “I’m A Somebody”

Good Morning All! Something interesting for you to think about this week. We are in a world that is filled with celebrity status people and athletes, sometime people we really look up to. We really think they are “somebody.” Meaning we believe they have made it. It’s pretty cool that there are so many areas […]

Monday Minute “Job Descriptions”

Good morning everyone! Do you have that someone that when you talk to you almost always learn things from? I’m lucky, I have several of those, and a few are my clients! Sometimes when we are talking with people, we just need to be silent and listen! Last week I was training a lady that […]

Monday Minute “Born To Be Challenged”

Good morning everyone! a couple weeks ago I was down in New Mexico for a week filming a hunt, our last hunt of season3. We were hunting in some big desert country, the weather was pretty cold and the wind didn’t want to stop blowing. It was a challenging hunt. In the evenings we would […]

Monday Minute “Intentions”

Good morning! What are your intentions this week? Are you getting productive tasks accomplished? or being stagnant in the pursuit of your dreams? We typically think about our intentions as “bad intentions” or “good intentions,” but the fact of the matter is, just because we had “good intentions” doesn’t make it right. It can be […]