Run2Gun – LiveBeyondAverage

Run2Gun Recipe’s Vol. 3-Elk Steak Fajitas

Hey everyone!!  My wife Amy is working her magic bringing you another GREAT venison recipe for you and your family! In our case Elk venison, but you can swap out for deer, beef or something else that fits your fancy!


Marinate elk steak for a minimum of 1 hr in –

1 TB olive oil

1 TB red wine vinegar

2 tsp hot sauce

1 TB garlic

1 tsp seasoned salt

1 tsp smoked paprika or regular paprika

sprinkle of salt and black pepper

Sear steaks in skillet and finish in oven at 350 for 1 hr.

As you are searing steaks start sautéing vegetables in oil. Start with peppers and onions first until onions are translucent then add mushrooms, tomatoes, taco seasoning, garlic powder, salt, pepper and lime juice. Sautéing all together for 5-8 minutes.

1 TB olive oil

1 red pepper

1/2 yellow onion

1/2 cup mushrooms

2 tomatoes

1 tsp taco seasoning

1 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp salt

Dash of black pepper

1 TB lime juice

After steak is done in oven let rest for 5 minutes. Add sliced steak to your favorite tortilla, top with the cooked vegetables and your favorite Mexican toppings. In the Run2Gun household we love avocado and cilantro! 🙂

Enjoy the meal! You can share your pictures of our recipes on social media by using #Run2GunRecipes