Run2Gun – LiveBeyondAverage

Monday Minute “Job Descriptions”

Good morning everyone!

Do you have that someone that when you talk to you almost always learn things from? I’m lucky, I have several of those, and a few are my clients! Sometimes when we are talking with people, we just need to be silent and listen!

Last week I was training a lady that has been training with me for about 4 years, we have become great friends, she has gone through 10x as many experiences in life, so I learn a lot from her. I occasionally like to think i teach her something :). She was talking about her work and how long of a day it had been, but “it was worth it,” she said. She drives transit for Sioux Falls and has the opportunity to impact a lot of people everyday. That impact can be positive or negative, it’s her choice.

She chooses to have a positive impact on her people. That day she dropped off a wheel chair rider in the rain. The man in the wheel chair started down the sidewalk. She walked him down and quickly pulled up his hood and buttoned up his coat tight. That man in the wheel chair was stunned and grateful.

You see it’s the little things like this that sets her apart, it’s little things like that, that aren’t in her job description, but look at the impact. Little things like this may not be in our job description at work, but they are in our job description in life.

Have an awesome week!


Jordan Miller

Colossians 3:23

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,