Run2Gun – LiveBeyondAverage

The Time Is Now! Run2gun-Hunting. Athletics. with Sturm, Ruger & Co.

It’s already the start of the second full week in June!  Many of you are already counting down the days till you will be toting your gear back into the field in hopes of throwing it down with a trophy of a lifetime.

If you’re like me, your spring and summer are spent putting as many arrows through your bow as possible, working on adding distance to your max range and becoming unconscious at those closer shots. Sighting in your favorite rifles takes up summer evenings to guarantee a successful shot in the near future. The confidence that is yielded because of this time and effort is well earned, but imagine if you put just as much energy into making your body unfailing?

Your body needs to be prepped for the hunting season just like your gear!  This means being honest with yourself on your physical weaknesses.  Are you lacking in strength ,endurance, agility, flexibility, or nutrition?  If any of these areas are weak it could mean failing when you’re in the field.

Although your goal may be to get into shape for this upcoming season, it should be to be a healthier individual for a lifetime.

Sturm, Ruger and Co, worked with Run2Gun to get out an online series called “Hunter Fitness.”  The series will cover all the aspects above and what you should be thinking about now!

Check out the first Hunter Fitness video!

Run2Gun with Sturm, Ruger and Co. Hunter Fitness Intro from Run2Gun on Vimeo.