Monday Minute “Discouraging Dreams”

Good morning! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend!

As you know from many past Monday Minutes, I like to center my writings around goals and dreams. I know that is because my entire life there hasn’t been a day that I have woken up and not thought about my personal goals and dreams and worked for them. I am lucky. I am lucky I have that mindset. I love to set goals, and I am an avid “dreamer.” Since I have spent my life going to sleep and waking up doing this over and over I also know to pain that comes along with being a dreamer, of setting these goals that are mountain tops away. Dreams motivate us, but they can also be extremely discouraging.
I know I am not alone in the feeling of being so discouraged by my dreams. The road feels impassable with no end. I have often questioned myself, “Are these really my dreams?” or “Maybe I just dream too big..” With these thoughts I am again left feeling stranded and alone. Weird that word “alone” keeps popping up.

Through the journey of life I have to remind myself that I’m not alone but I also have to remember I will never accomplish my dreams alone either. This also gives me a sense of ease and answers my self doubt of “Maybe I just dream too big.” or “Are these really my dreams?” It answers those questions with a YES, my dreams are too big, alone. And NO, these dreams really aren’t mine, alone.

I know I am dreaming big enough when I can’t do it alone, when I have to pray about my dreams, and have faith I am on the right path to accomplish them. God knows our hearts and with that our dreams. He is the One that will fill that gap of being alone.

If you feel forever away from your goals and dreams, that is awesome! It just means you are dreaming big enough to need God on your side to make them happen!

Have an awesome week everyone!


Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

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